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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Moore writes about catholicism in a secular world

Today HuffPost offers "Catholic Without a Church" by Thomas Moore in which Moore writes about his new religious vision: "I'd encourage people to follow the Jesus way joyfully and gracefully and not only tolerate but eagerly seek wisdom and insight from all other spiritual traditions. After all, the word 'catholic' means universal."

He includes, "I'd like to see a new Catholic movement rather than a new kind of church. I'd want to keep the beautiful church buildings, but now owned and run by local communities that I think would thrive under the new paradigm. Today people everywhere are in search of a timely and inspiring spiritual home."

Moore lists people whom he sees continuing to influence this new Catholic movement: "I'd want to remember the values of St. Francis of Assisi and the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, the brilliant insights of Nicolas of Cusa and Teilhard de Chardin, and the visionary teachings of Hildegard of Bingen and Teresa of Avila. But most of all, I would hope that the essential vision of the Gospel would show the way to live a Catholic life in a secular society."

Please share your reflections at the bottom of the blog on HuffPost or on Moore's Facebook page.