Publisher offers softcover Soul Therapy for $15.19
Publisher HarpersCollins issues Thomas Moore's award-winning book, Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations as a trade paperback on sale for $15.19 starting May 24, 2022. This is the book's initial softcover release. Visit the linked page to order the book, listen to an audio sample, and read selected sections.
In an email today, Moore writes:
In an email today, Moore writes:

"Soul Therapy is one of those books I have written that people will discover over time. To me it is a clearly written book for both professional therapists and ordinary people who occasionally find themselves having deep conversations with friends and relatives, and also for parents, doctors and teachers. I tried to summarize in non-jargon language the subtle awareness such people need to truly be of use to others. I also wanted to respond to questions I have heard from professionals over the years as I have taught psychiatrists and therapists of all stripes."
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