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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Jung Platform hosts Moore in Sept. & Oct. 2021

Jung Platform hosts two FREE online programs with Thomas Moore in the next two months.

Tuesday Sept. 21 2:00 p.m. ET
Soulful Conversations

"The soul benefits from ongoing attention. One way we can take care of the soul is in our conversations. Thomas Moore will provide ideas and suggestions on how to listen closely, have a caring attitude, and see beneath the surface. How can you have deeply satisfying conversations — conversations that nurture the soul of both persons — with your friends, colleagues, and patients? Thomas Moore shows the way in this free live lecture."

Thursday Oct. 7 12:00 noon ET
Keynote Speaker
Jungian Psychology for a Soulful Life Summit

"Thomas Moore says,'Soul is not a thing but a quality or dimension of experiencing life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness, heart and personal substance.' In this session, Moore will take us on a way of seeing life that allows us to connect with the soul, especially in the everydayness of life."

Click the links for registration information.