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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Moore at James Hillman symposium this weekend

James Hillman is honoured this weekend at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture 5th annual symposium that explores alchemical psychology.
"James Hillman's contributions to culture were many and profound, none more remarkable than his formulation of Archetypal Psychology, which he named in 1970 and focused his work upon until his death in 2011. To honor and continue to learn from Hillman, the Institute initiated in 2012 this annual program aimed at exploring the rich depths of his lifelong study of, in his own words, a 'psychology deliberately affiliated with the arts, culture, and the history of ideas, arising as they do from the imagination.'"
This year's program features Thomas Moore on Saturday 29 October, 11:15-12:30. Moore is a Fellow of the Institute.

Register now.
Members $75
Nonmembers $95
Member Teachers $35
Students $25
All tickets include Friday dinner, Saturday continental breakfast, lunch, and closing reception.

Snippets from last year's gathering