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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Moore offers fresh gospel translations for our times

Thomas Moores adds the post "Our Father in the Sky" to his blog Soul & Spirit at Patheos in which he describes translating the four gospels published by Skylight Paths Publishing in Vermont. GOSPEL The Book of Matthew is available now. A manuscript for The Book of Mark is complete. Moore writes:
"I had two primary goals in translation: one, to put certain key terms into fresh English words that I consider more accurately reflect the Greek terms and the spirit of the gospel; and two, to use simple, graceful, flowing English that is neither at all archaic sounding nor too modern colloquial.
It would take too many words to describe the gist of my approach, but let me just say that you won’t find certain familiar words, such as heaven, sin, truth or repent, or phrases such as raise the dead or even heal the sick."
Readers may also enjoy Moore's book, Writing in the Sand: Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels (2009) published by Hay House.