Spirituality & Practice shares a taste of Thomas Moore's approach to the Gospels in
"An Intelligent yet Visionary Plan" that offers his translation of the parable, "The Dolt Who Built His House on Sand" followed by his commentary. Moore's
Spirituality of the Gospels for Lent 2016 e-course begins Wednesday 10 February, 2016 and continues for forty days.
Register now for this Lenten adventure.
Cost: $65.00
According to the e-course description, "'spirituality of the Gospels ... is a spiritual vision in and about the world,' he notes. 'It's a
spirituality that does not have to be tied to a particular tradition and
is accessible to anyone — people lovingly involved in the Christian
tradition, lovingly involved in another tradition, not interested in
religion, or somewhere in the gray areas of this spectrum.'"
In addition to the email component, this e-course includes:
"• 4 short audios and 3 short video "classes" from Thomas Moore on key themes in the Gospels.
• A live hour-long teleconference with Thomas Moore in which he will answer questions from e-course participants.
• A Practice Circle available 24/7 for recording your reflections,
sharing with others, and receiving guidance from Thomas Moore."