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Thomas Moore shares his Easter message as an invitation to all:
"We are living in a new era, when exclusive attention to a single spiritual tradition is not necessary for most of us. In that spirit, I see Easter as a celebration for everyone. It’s an essential and profound piece in the theological imagination of Jesus, but it is also a deep-seated mystery for us all. We all die our small deaths as life makes its demands, and we can all resurrect again and again."
Moore quotes an excerpt from the Resurrection section of Norman O. Brown’s book, Love’s Body that includes, "'The creator spirit stands in the grave, in the midden heap, the dunghill of culture [as in Finnegans Wake]; breaking the seal of familiarity; breaking the cake of custom; rolling the stone from the sepulcher; giving the dead metaphor new life.'"
Following the passage, Moore writes, "The very significance of our lives and the world in which we live resurrects when we bring imagination to it all."

Moore quotes an excerpt from the Resurrection section of Norman O. Brown’s book, Love’s Body that includes, "'The creator spirit stands in the grave, in the midden heap, the dunghill of culture [as in Finnegans Wake]; breaking the seal of familiarity; breaking the cake of custom; rolling the stone from the sepulcher; giving the dead metaphor new life.'"
Following the passage, Moore writes, "The very significance of our lives and the world in which we live resurrects when we bring imagination to it all."
"Time for old hopes to resurrect and enjoy their springtime, to be led out of darkness, to be vital. Easter is for everyone."
— @thomasmooreSoul 31 March 2013