The Crossings, in Austin, Texas will host Thomas Moore’s workshop,
Living a Soulful Life from Friday 3 Nov. to Sunday 5 Nov., 2006. The course costs $295 (U.S.) before an early registration discount, student discount, or senior discount may be applied. Accommodation and commuting options are outlined with the description.
Moore talks about his approach,
"Living with inner peace, creativity, and deep pleasure requires first dealing with old wounds, anger, sadness, broken loves, and bad habits. Once these are dealt with, you can live from a deeper place, learn from your dreams, discover how to open your heart, and find your own spirituality. Alchemists call this long and deep soul-work “opus.” This workshop is an opportunity to intensify your opus—to get some ideas, tools, and techniques for wakening and tending your soul and spirit. It involves instruction, discussion, group exercises, image work, and journal writing."
He recommends reading:
James Hillman,
The Dream and the UnderworldJane Hirshfield,
Women in Praise of the SacredC. G. Jung,
Memories, Dreams, ReflectionsThomas Moore,
Care of the SoulLao Tzu,
Tao Te Ching (translated by Gia-Fu-Feng and Jane English)
If you plan to attend, please bring writing materials to the workshop.
November 5, 2006 - Institute for the HumanitiesAfter the Crossings course, on Sunday 5 Nov., Moore will travel north to be the guest speaker at the Institute for the Humanities at Salado. His talk,
The Way of the Holy Fool, is from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Celebration Center, 216 Royal Street, Salado. After the lecture, at 6:30 p.m., attendees are invited to have dinner with Moore in the same venue.
Membership in the Institute is essential to attend this program. Annual dues are $50 Supporting Individual, $90 Supporting Family/Dual, or $200 Contributing member. The cost for Moore’s lecture is $40 for one or $35 for two people or more. The optional dinner is $20 per person. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Members are welcome to register guests for the program. A
PDF brochure for the Fall lecture series, Let Your Life Speak is available on the site.

Celebration Center, 216 Royal Street, Salado
Read an earlier post on
Barque: Thomas Moore about the Salado event,
Will you be near Salado, Texas in November?"