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Friday, January 20, 2017

Please help to create these desired states globally

On this day of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States of America, read Thomas Moore's essay "The Dream of Utopia", published in the November-December 2016 issue of Spirituality & Health.
"I think utopia should be in your imagination and in the plan for your life. Imagine doing your best to make a life and personality that shows what utopia could be. When people meet you, they don’t encounter the old world with its neurotic self-interest and combativeness. No, they see someone trying to do it differently, even if the result isn’t perfect. When they meet you, they feel: I’ve never seen anything like this before. Here is a person beyond kindness and beyond acceptance and understanding. This feeling of being in another new and better world is essential to utopia, and your task as a utopian is to do things differently and better."
Beyond united, welcome to the new USA, Utopian States of America.
"Utopia exists in your heart and your life, not in some vain hope for a perfect world. Your mind could be utopia, if you could reframe everything that happens in terms of your vision of peace and creative non-action and if you decide to always adopt the role of healer. You can’t expect someone else to be utopian if you’re not there."