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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Moore offers two workshops at Findhorn, Scotland

The Findhorn Foundation describes two workshops about natural magic, magia naturalis, Thomas Moore presents at its Love, Magic, Miracles conference, 29 September to 5 October 2012. Scroll down this page to the second entry for these descriptions:

1. Lessons from an Obsidian Mirror
"Thomas will introduce the scrying mirror and show how to use it. He will also explore lessons to be learned from the mirror about being in the world as a magus.

This workshop will focus on a magical rather than a rationalistic way of life. It will explore the use of dreams, the arts, deep intuition, prophecy and simple trance as ways of living more deeply, more in touch with the defining currents of life."

2. The Spirituality of Jesus
"This workshop comes from his recent book Writing in the Sand: Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels. It offers a fresh view of what Jesus was all about — nothing to do with religion but a new way of being in the world. His work involves new translations of key words and a view of Jesus' stories and teachings as all focused on the new world or kingdom he spells out.

This is a Jesus spirituality especially for those who have abandoned Christianity or have little or no interest in it. Thomas treats the Gospels as being completely separate from Christianity, though he preserves what he considers the best in Christian tradition as well. He has made a new translation from Greek of the New Testament Gospels and will use these for this workshop."

A two-page .pdf brochure for the conference lists all teachers. Early online registration is advised.

Barque coverage
18 Feb 2012 "Moore visits Findhorn for Love, Magic, Miracles"

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