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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Evil in the World

Thomas Moore suggests that we shift our attention when assessing the presence and active perpetuation of evil around us: "It's societies and governments that can act demonically. Focusing on 'possessed' people is naive at best, dangerous at worst."
Moore's view: Where Demons Lurk
Resources to help us understand what's happening globally:
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005
State of the World’s Children 2005
IUCN Water & Nature Initiative
World Development Indicators 2005: The World Bank reports that nearly 11 million children under the age of 5 die annually in developing countries, often from common infections that would be prevented or cured in wealthier nations. The 401-page report presents the mandatory statistics and charts, but as the bank's senior VP for human development, Jean-Louis Sarbib affirmed, "behind every statistic is a person, a child, an orphan, a mother."