Register for Moore's new 6-week online course

This afternoon, on his FB page Thomas Moore writes:
"I'm not comfortable with self-promotion, but I have to say, this is one of your last chances to study with me, a blend of monk, Jung, Hillman, world theologies and music. Don't put it off:"
The Ruzuku description reads:
"Thomas Moore's Soul Psychology is a six-week course which includes six live online sessions with Thomas Moore, a closed online group for questions and discussion, weekly readings and suggestions for practice. Thomas Moore will participate in the course for six weeks, [and] you will have access to the materials for six months."
"Become a soul-sensitive human being, able to live a meaningful life and guide others with depth. The soul is central to our humanity, intimate connections, spiritual vision, mental health and joy. In this course you will be introduced to Archetypal Psychology and the value of the arts, myth, and dreams for healing. This course is the [sixth] of a series that leads to the possibility of a certificate of attendance in soul-centered psychology. You can start anywhere in the cycle of courses and complete the round of six."
Tuition: $635 U.S.