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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Create a home environment that supports religion

Rich Fisher with Studio Tulsa interviews Thomas Moore about his new book in  the segment, ”A Religion of One’s Own”. Moore talks about atheism, the mysteries of life, and home-based approaches.
"Our guest is the religious expert, award-winning scholar, prolific author, and psychotherapist Thomas Moore. About twenty years ago, just after he'd stopped living as a monk for a dozen years, Moore published a book called Care of the Soul. This work became a bestseller and, indeed, a widely cherished work of accessible and sincerely reflective self-help-mixed-with-spiritual-discovery. Now comes a sequel of sorts to that classic work, which Moore discusses with us." 
This radio interview, recorded 11 February 2014, is 29 minutes.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Moore discusses favourite themes in interview

The monthly Chronogram, promoting the creative and cultural life of the Hudson Valley, publishes "Thomas Moore: Accounting for the Mysterious" by Susan Piperato in its March issue. This interview talks about Moore's retreat at the Garrison Institute, 31 March to 2 April 2014, and his approaches in his new book, A Religion of One's Own.

Piperato asks Moore: "I’ve heard a lot of lapsed Catholics saying that they feel welcome and hopeful again, which is something they never thought they’d experience. You were brought up Catholic and served in the Servite Order for 12 years. What do you think of Pope Francis?"

Moore responds:
"Well he’s definitely having an impact. I’ve been saying lately that I’ve been waiting most of my life for a pope to come along who could talk more simply and without all that heavy authority and leave room for people to find their own way, not just moralistically thinking—that’s what it means to be religious. But he has been doing that publically and it’s amazing, so here we have a pope who makes his own breakfast in the Vatican and word of that gets all around the globe, and suddenly people want to be Catholic again. It’s quite a remarkable thing. So he doesn’t have to talk about dogma and what you should believe—for him it’s more about style. I think it’s wonderful. That’s what a religious leader ought to be. I always thought that the pope should be very much like the Dalai Lama—someone who is respected around the world as a religious leader and is not caught up in all the pomp and circumstance and finances and rules and judging people. And Pope Francis has shown himself to be wonderful along those lines, especially about not judging people. If he continues that way and has an impact on his own official church that way—I’m not sure that he can, but if he can, I’m sure that a lot more people will come back to the Catholic Church.
And this fits into another thing. I know from my travels that people all over the globe are hungry for spiritual guidance. They want to have spirituality in their lives. And the churches are emptying, as we were talking about before. So if you put those two things together, it just makes sense. The church should be able to reach those people and offer them guidance. But there are several things they have to do—the first thing the Church needs to do is get over its gender problem. And not be so male-dominated—it’s so obvious that that’s a huge problem today. You really, truly have to be living in some other century not to see that. And people today don’t want to be told so much what to do and don’t want to be judged—and rightfully so. They want some guidance and encouragement and inspiration. If the Catholic Church can do all that, I can see it coming back and really thriving. But they’re going to have to change radically, and the church is going to have to go further than we are right now with Pope Francis."
Share April Fool's Day with Thomas Moore at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, New York.

Barque coverage
12 Jan 2014 "Thomas Moore gives public talk in Garrison, N.Y."
3 Nov 2013 "Be with Moore and others, April Fool's Day 2014"

Sunday, March 02, 2014

St. Francis Hospital hosts Moore in Hartford CT

Listen to Thomas Moore talk about his new book at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut during a free lecture, discussion and book signing, A Religion of One's Own, on Tuesday 8 April 2014:
 "In A Religion of One's Own, Thomas Moore expands upon topics he first shared in his best selling classic Care of the Soul, exploring the myriad possibilities of creating a personal spiritual style, inside or outside formal religion. Join us to learn how to create your own spiritual life with an inspired vision, purpose, and meaning."

"Explore the many ways to create a deep and satisfying spiritual life with or without a formal religion."
Saint Francis Comprehensive Women's Health Center
114 Woodland Street
Hartford CT 06114

This program starts at 6:30 p.m. Call St. Francis Hospital: 1 877 783-7262 to reserve a place or register online through the linked page above. Seating is limited.
